NYでジャズボーカルを専攻。ジャズ / ソウル / ゴスペル / R&B / アバンギャルド / オルタナティブなど、様々な表現や音楽を吸収しつつ独自の感性と幅広い表現力でシンガーとして、コンポーザーとして活動する YUIMA ENYA初の12インチが11月14日に発売決定! 2022年に発売された1stアルバム「MALAKA」(RAWMEN RECORDS より2022年6月30日発売)の表題曲「MALAKA」を、大阪を拠点に全国の数々の野外レイヴやDJパーティーで人気を博す ALTZ、名古屋拠点、国内屈指のビートメイカー/音楽プロデューサーの Ramza、東京でいま最もフロアの信頼が厚い DJ CALPISS とNY在住⁈謎のトラックメーカー DJ Moras、DJ snuc の4組が大胆に再構築。 Side A は、太いベースラインと、トライバル感、ALTZ 節とも言えるバレアリック感が漂う ALTZ Remix、アンビエントなエレクトロニカ・サウンドが心が洗われるように気持ちいい Ramza Remix を収録。Side B には、アシッドテクノ、ダブステップなどの影響を感じさせてくれる CALPISS & DJ Moras Remix、そして、RHYDA & snuc の活動でも知られる DJ snuc による多幸感あふれるラテンビート/ハウス・サウンドの DJ snuc Remix を収録。 三軒茶屋のアナログレコード店 / レーベル / 兼 DJバーの RAWMEN RECORDS と、東洋化成のレーベル Reach the Beach Records による共同リリース。 YUIMA ENYA - MALAKA REMIXES A1. MALAKA ALTZ Remix 6:18 A2. MALAKA Ramza Remix 5:07 B1. MALAKA CALPISS & DJ Moras Remix 6:48 B2. MALAKA DJ snuc Remix 5:22 ______ *This record is available for pre-order. *This will be shipped out around the release date, November 14th. *This record is available for pre-order. *This will be shipped out around the release date, November 14th. Majoring in jazz vocals in New York. A singer and composer, YUIMA ENYA's first 12-inch will be released on November 14th, absorbing various expressions and music such as jazz, soul, gospel, R&B, avant-garde, and alternative, and working with her unique sensibility and wide range of expressiveness! The title track "MALAKA" from her first album "MALAKA" (released on June 30, 2022 by RAWMEN RECORDS), has been boldly reconstructed by five of Japan's leading beatmakers and DJs: ALTZ, who is based in Osaka and has gained popularity at numerous outdoor raves and DJ parties across the country, Ramza, one of Japan's leading beatmakers/music producers based in Nagoya, DJ CALPISS, who is currently one of the most trusted DJs at nightclubs in Tokyo, DJ Moras, a mysterious track maker living in New York?!, and DJ snuc. Side A features the ALTZ Remix, which has a thick bass line, a tribal feel, and a Balearic feel that is unique to ALTZ, and the Ramza Remix, which has an ambient electronica sound that cleanses the soul. Side B features the CALPISS & DJ Moras Remix, which has influences from acid techno and dubstep, and the DJ snuc Remix, a euphoric Latin beat/house sound by DJ snuc, who is also known for his work with RHYDA & snuc. This is a joint release by RAWMEN RECORDS, a vinyl record store/label/and DJ bar in Sangenjaya, and TOYOKASEI's label Reach the Beach Records.
The Wise Caucasian – Kutchie Dub
90年代から多くのミニマルハウスやダブテクノをリリースし、レーベルMosaicの長も務めるUKのSteve O'Sullivanの変名。ウォーミーなベースラインの上に、程よい塩梅でダブ処理されたカッティングギターや肉声が、薄くスライスされて余韻を引くミニマル・ダブハウス。1セットの中で、展開の基軸になってくれる1曲です。2014年オリジナル。気合の片面プレス。 A pseudonym for Steve O'Sullivan, a UK artist who has released many minimal house and dub techno since the 90s and is also the head of the label Mosaic. This is minimal dub house with a warm bass line, a cutting guitar and a voice that are dubbed in just the right amount, thinly sliced, and lingering. This is a song that will become the axis of development in the entire set. 2014 original. Single-sided pressing. Seller: 塩尻寄生 Record: EX (ラベルに書き込み/Writting on label) Cover: VG+ (Plane Sleeve) Format: 12inch Label: Sushitech Records / 2014 Genre: Minimal, Dub-House, A Kutchie Dub
[CD] 愛染 eyezen - TOKYOBAL
世界各地のワールドミュージックを取り入れ、大地の香りを色濃く宿したビートにトリップとラブを乗せた、愛染 eyezenによる1stフルアルバム。客演に Lunv Loyal、mori、NENE、Ryugo Ishida、Kaine dot Co、EVO、Lil Cotetsu、YTG、Meta Flower、釈迦坊主、OKBOY & Dogwoods、MOMOを迎え、プロデューサーとしてTaihei、 Quidambeatz、MaL、DJ sunc、IRONSTONE、Igacorosas、ne4r、バイレファンキかけ子、J.A.K.A.M. 、釈迦坊主、HARIKUYAMAKU、ATSUKI、SUNNOVAが参加。愛染のこれまでの軌跡が詰まった全18曲。 1. TOKYOBAL ~ intro (feat. Taihei) 04:20 2. SHIAGARI BANCHO 01:44 3. HOTS (feat. Lunv Loyal) 4. MAMBO FLOW (feat. NENE) 02:41 5. PARO PARO (feat. mori) 03:23 6. HYPER BURN (feat. MaL) [Remix] 03:30 7. BOUNCE PART2 (feat. Kaine dot Co) 02:46 8. Umbrella (feat. EVO) 03:38 9. skit ~ TUNNEL (feat. Igacorosas) 04:52 10. IRIOMOTE (feat. Lil Cotetsu) 03:31 11. Digital Hippies (feat. OKBOY&Dogwoods) 12. Lord To Zion (feat. YTG) 03:12 13. Nah VIP Homie 02:02 14. Ride Or Die (feat. Meta Flower & Ryugo Ishida) 03:00 15. Running on ma way (feat. SUNNOVA) [Remix] 02:57 16. ZAZAMARU (feat. 釈迦坊主) 02:24 17. SHIMAUTA (feat. MOMO) 04:20 18. Toughness 04:35 ●試聴Link https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_msykwbzWA25sNTmzW6yVpbLJWIiWxqq8A
/3 - Ichiryu/Sand cloud
DJ Champagne showerとボーカルしゅんすけのユニット/Bによる7inch。A-sideは下北沢の老舗ラーメン屋・一龍を背景に描いた物語を、どこか懐かしく叙情的なトラックにのせた『Ichiryu』。AA-sideは在日ファンクのサックスプレイヤー、キッズをゲストに迎え、諸行無常を思わせる歌詞を乗せた『Sand Cloud』の、メロウな二曲を収録。畑違いの二人が選んだ着地点は JAZZ、Hip-Hop、Soul、House MusicなどのダンスミュージックをベースにラップやスキャットをミックスしたTraditionalで NewType な唯一無二の世界観。ミックスは、フィッシュマンズやバッファロードターなどを手がけるZAK。 歌うRAP奏でるBEAT 一線級の二枚看板による新作 誰のでもない記憶の片鱗 呼び起こすひらめき ブラックミュージックを根拠に 日本のポップスに変革を迫る 鼓膜の奥で回り続ける7インチ ダークサイド&ユーモアを堪能 (DJ Champagne shower) A 7-inch by /B, a unit consisting of DJ Champagne shower and vocalist Shunsuke. The A-side is "Ichiryu," a story set in the long-established ramen shop Ichiryu in Shimokitazawa, set to a somewhat nostalgic and lyrical track. The B-side features two songs, "Sand Cloud," featuring a guest saxophone player from Zainichi-Funk, “Kids”, and lyrics that evoke the impermanence of all things. The landing point chosen by the two, who come from different fields, is a unique worldview that is both traditional and new, mixing rap and scat with dance music such as JAZZ, Hip-Hop, Soul, and House Music. The mix was done by ZAK, who has worked with Fishmans and Buffalo Daugter. A: Ichiryu AA: Sand cloud
Earl Flint – People Hold On
Joe Claussell、Nick The Recordらにプレイされてきた、夜のネオンが映える84年産ディスコブギー。Dub処理が施されたB面のモダンなインストが人気ですが、男女のセクシーなVo.にオールドスクール・ラップが差し込まれるA面もナイスです。2012年の再発盤。 This '84 disco boogie, played by Joe Claussell, Nick The Record, and others, is lit up by neon lights. The modern instrumental on side B, which has been dubbed, is popular, but side A, which features sexy male and female vocals and old school rap, is also nice. Reissued in 2012. Seller: Seki Hidekiyo Record: EX- Cover: VG+ (Plane Sleeve) Format: 12inch Label: Ndagga / 2012 Genre: Disco, Boogie A People Hold On 5:55 B People Hold On (Instrumental) 7:55
Mark Ernestus Presents Jeri-Jeri With Baaba Maal – Gawlo
90年代minimal/dub techno先駆者・Basic Channelの片割れMark Ernestusとセネガルのミュージシャンらによる12inch。悠久の大地を思わせるBaaba MaalのVoや、この2年後に逝去されるDoudou Ndiaye Rose 73歳時の血がたぎる高速パーカッションなど、踊ることの根源が身体の芯から湧き上がる1枚です。 A 12-inch by Mark Ernestus, one half of Basic Channel, a pioneer of minimal/dub techno in the 90s, and Senegalese musicians. Baaba Maal's vocals evoke the eternal earth, and Doudou Ndiaye Rose's blood-boiling percussion at the age of 73, who passed away two years later, make this a record that will make you feel the roots of dancing well up from your body. Seller: Nakamullah Record: EX- Cover: EX Format: 12inch Label: Ndagga / 2013 Genre: World A1 Gawlo Featuring – Baaba Maal A2 Gawlo Version B1 Lignou Mome B2 Ndeye Gueye Featuring – Doudou Ndiaye Rose
Deep Blue – Who Got The Beats / Do You Voodoo? (Ror-Shak Remix)
90年代初頭のUK Rave/Hardcore黎明期に活躍した、2 Bad Miceの創設メンバーであるSean O'Keeffeのソロプロジェクト。Side A: 勢いのある男性MCとbpm170のハリのあるBreakbeatsの中空に、女性Voサンプルが揺らめきながら消えてゆくDrum n Bass。 A solo project by Sean O'Keeffe, a founding member of 2 Bad Mice, who was active in the UK Breakbeats/Hardcore scene in the early 90s. Side A: Drum n Bass with a female vocal sample flickering and disappearing in the hollow of a powerful male MC and crisp breakbeats at 170 bpm. Seller: MIYA Record: EX- Cover: EX Format: 12inch Label: Offshore Recordings / 2005 Genre: Drum n Bass A Who Got The Beats B Do You Voodoo? (Ror-Shak Remix)
Shango – Shango Message
Afrika BambaataaがMaterialのBill Laswellと結成したプロジェクトによる、1983年のリリース。人情味のあるキャッチーなメロディに、じんわりと刺激的なパーカッションと有機的なDub処理が絡む、マシンビート・エレクトロ・ファンク。 Released in 1983 by Afrika Bambaataa, a project formed with Bill Laswell of Material. Machine beat electro-funk with catchy melodies and warm feelings, subtly stimulating percussion and organic dub processing. Seller: すてっぴんれざお aka 元南風 Record: VG+ (light mark/薄いスレ) Cover: VG+ Format: 12inch Label: Celluloid / 1983 Genre: Electro, Hip Hop A Shango Message (Album Version) 7:42 B Shango Message (Edit/Instrumental) 3:26
V.A - Made To Measure Vol.1
40年前の、想像力の静かなる爆発。架空の映像/演劇/ファッション用の音楽をコンセプトにスタートした、名作シリーズ”Made To Measure”の記念すべき第1作。Aksak MaboulのMarc HollanderによるレーベルCrammed Discsから。アヴァンで実験的な霞に優しく包まれた、地球の中のどこでもないムードに、程よい緊張感とともに全身が弛緩します。 A quiet explosion of imagination from 40 years ago. The first of the masterpiece series "Made To Measure", which started with the concept of music for fictional images/theater/fashion. From Crammed Discs, a label by Marc Hollander of Aksak Maboul. Gently enveloped in an avant-garde experimental haze, the mood is like nowhere else on earth, and the whole body relaxes with just the right amount of tension. Seller: 塩尻寄生 Record: EX Cover: EX Format: LP Label: Crammed Discs / 1984 Genre: Experimental, Post-punk, Downtempo A1 Minimal Compact - Bat-Yam A2 Minimal Compact - Too Many Of Them A3 Minimal Compact - Immer Vorbei A4 Minimal Compact - Animal Killers A5 Benjamin Lew - A La Recherche De B. A6 Aksak Maboul - Scratch Holiday Feat. – The Honeymoon Killers B1 Aksak Maboul - Odessa B2 Aksak Maboul - Chez Les Futuristes Russes B3 Aksak Maboul - Ossip & Lili B4 Aksak Maboul - Lili Danse B5 Aksak Maboul - Retour Chez Les Futuristes B6 Aksak Maboul - Mort De Velimir B7 Tuxedomoon - Fanfare B8 Tuxedomoon - No One Expects The Spanish Inquisition B9 Tuxedomoon - Driving To Verdun
Mick / Funny & Tutti - Shimouma Mondo Club
DJ Nozaki氏のレーベルから2010年代中期にリリースされた、6枚の名作10inch群の1枚。リズムマシンとアシッディなシンセによる、7分超のシンプルなループと後半のギターで持っていくMick氏によるA-side。Italo-cosmicクラッシック “GANG – KKK”を彷彿とさせる80年代臭のするリズムに、こちらもアシッドシンセ×ギターでハメていくFunny & Tutti氏によるB-side。派手さはないものの、ズブズブとフロアに催眠をかける2曲入りです。 This is one of six masterpiece 10-inch albums released in the mid-2010s by DJ Nozaki's label. The A-side is by Mick, who takes over seven minutes of simple looping with rhythm machines and acidic synths, and the guitar in the latter half. The B-side is by Funny & Tutti, who also add acid synths and guitar to an 80s-esque rhythm reminiscent of the Italo-cosmic classic "GANG - KKK". Although not flashy, it is a set of two tracks that will deeply hypnotize the dance floor. ※薄くノイズが乗る箇所があります / Light noise Record: VG+ (Minor scratches/軽いキズ) Cover: VG+ Format: 10inch Label: 10 Inches Of Pleasure Records / 2016 Genre: House, Acid House A Shimouma Mondo Club B Bakuro Hills Jockey Club
Ωρίωνες – Κύκλος (Orions - Cycle)
1978年にギリシャ・アテネで結成された、サイケロック/プログレに位置付けられるバンドのコンピレーション。エーゲ海の文明への回顧を勝手に感じさせられる旋律や、他のパートの妙に水を差さない単音のシンセサイザーがサイケデリックに跳ね回る曲、ゆったりと天海へ向かうかのような大らかな風味に浸れる曲など、アルバム通して楽しめる1枚です。 A compilation of psychedelic rock/prog band formed in Athens, Greece in 1978. It's an album that can be enjoyed from start to finish, with melodies that evoke memories of Aegean civilization, songs with psychedelic bouncing single-note synthesizers that strangely don't overshadow the other parts, and songs that let you immerse yourself in a generous flavor that makes you feel as if you're heading toward the heavens. Seller: NAKAMULLAH Record: VG+ (light mark/薄いスレ) Cover: EX Format: LP Label: Anazitisi Records / 2010 Genre: Psychedelic Rock, Prog Rock A1 Κουρδιστά Ανθρωπάκια A2 Ο Παλιάτσος A3 Χρυσή Βροχή A4 Για Να Ζήσει Πιο Καλά B1 Ο Κύκλος B2 Στην Προκυμαία B3 Ο Ήρωας B4 Η Εγγλεζούλα
El Rojo Alma – Amelia
伝統的なクンビアのサンプルにグルーヴィーなベース、疾走感のあるリズムを付与した、腰が動かざるをえない熱烈トライバル。B1のdub remixが程よい温度でおすすめです。 A passionate tribal house with traditional cumbia samples, groovy bass and fast-paced rhythms that will get your hips moving. The dub remix of B1 is well-recommended. Record: VG+ (light mark/薄いスレ) Cover: EX- Format: 12inch Label: Playmore Music / 2009 Genre: House Seller: MIYA A1 Amelia (Main Mix) B1 Amelia (Dub Remix) B2 Amelia (Instrumental Remix)
[L size] TAKARAJIMA 2024 T-Shirt
Color: Navy Size: L, XL ※送料別 6月末に石垣島の某所で開催され、吸い込まれそうな満月の下、今年も数々のドラマを巻き起こした 。現地で販売・完売した TAKARAJIMA T-Shitsを、若干数入荷しました。 TAKARAJIMA was held at a certain place on Ishigaki Island at the end of June, and under an engrossing full moon, many dramatic scenes were created this year as well. We have received a small number of TAKARAJIMA T-Shirts that were sold out locally.
[XL size] TAKARAJIMA 2024 T-Shirt
Color: Navy Size: L, XL ※送料別 6月末に石垣島の某所で開催され、吸い込まれそうな満月の下、今年も数々のドラマを巻き起こした 。現地で販売・完売した TAKARAJIMA T-Shitsを、若干数入荷しました。 TAKARAJIMA was held at a certain place on Ishigaki Island at the end of June, and under an engrossing full moon, many dramatic scenes were created this year as well. We have received a small number of TAKARAJIMA T-Shirts that were sold out locally.
[Outlet L size] TAKARAJIMA 2024 T-Shirt
※写真1枚目のように、プリント位置が高いアウトレット品です。 ※As shown in the first photo, this is an outlet item with a high print position. 6月末に石垣島の某所で開催され、吸い込まれそうな満月の下、今年も数々のドラマを巻き起こした 。現地で販売・完売した TAKARAJIMA T-Shitsを、若干数入荷しました。 TAKARAJIMA was held at a certain place on Ishigaki Island at the end of June, and under an engrossing full moon, many dramatic scenes were created this year as well. We have received a small number of TAKARAJIMA T-Shirts that were sold out locally.
[Outlet XL size] TAKARAJIMA 2024 T-Shirt
※写真1枚目のように、プリント位置が高いアウトレット品です。 ※As shown in the first photo, this is an outlet item with a high print position. 6月末に石垣島の某所で開催され、吸い込まれそうな満月の下、今年も数々のドラマを巻き起こした 。現地で販売・完売した TAKARAJIMA T-Shitsを、若干数入荷しました。 TAKARAJIMA was held at a certain place on Ishigaki Island at the end of June, and under an engrossing full moon, many dramatic scenes were created this year as well. We have received a small number of TAKARAJIMA T-Shirts that were sold out locally.
The Residents - Mark Of The Mole
Seller: 塩尻寄生 植民地の砂漠の地底で暮らすモヘルモット人の壮大な物語を描く、モール3部作の第1作。土着、民族、信仰、科学、生活、実験、宇宙…といった音楽的印象が、輪郭をくっきり維持しながらも混じり合って、レコードにプレスされてしまった…。というのが主観です。 The first in the Maul trilogy, telling the epic tale of the Mohelmot people who live underground in the colonial desert. Indigenous, ethnic, religious, scientific, everyday life, experimental, space... musical impressions are all mixed together while maintaining their distinct contours and pressed onto the record... That's my subjective opinion. ・With company sleeve / No poster / US original Record: EX+ Cover: EX- (wear/スレ) Format: LP Label: Ralph Records / 1981 Genre: Experimental, World? A1 Voices Of The Air A2 The Ultimate Disaster A3 Migration B1 Another Land B2 The New Machine B3 Final Confrontation ▶︎ Listen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50URYqHwgBY&list=PL743A738E756BAF2D
Tom Newman – Bayou Moon
Seller: CHINMANN ギターの多彩なバリエーションに民族楽器を散りばめた、広大な湿地帯の夜を彷彿とさせるLandscape New Age。 This LP is a landscape new age music that evokes the night of a vast swamp. A wide variety of guitars interspersed with ethnic instruments. Record: EX+ Cover: VG (seam split/下部&天部裂け) Format: LP Label: Coda Records / 1985 Genre: New Age A1 Concierto De Mango In E Major 7:53 A2 Straw Dogs 1:40 A3 Gumbo Fling 2:11 A4 Fur Traders Descending The Missouri 5:15 A5 Gumbo Fling 2 1:11 B1 Moonris 7:09 B2 Voodoo De Bayo 5:59 B3 Gumbo Fling 3 1:23 B4 Alligator Walk 5:28 B5 Gumbo Fling 4 0:26 ●視聴 / Listen https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAK61eCjeZkewGwwD2K9o3bCFTEzYMcjB
Chilly Gonzales – Knight Moves
Seller: Fukunakayah Records Popでメランコリックで、エモーショナルなエレクトロHouse。DJ KOZE Remix, Lone Remix搭載。 Pop, melancholic, and emotional electro-house. Includes DJ KOZE Remix and Lone Remix. Record: EX- Cover: EX Format: 12inch Label: Boysnoize Records / 1989 Genre: House A1 Knight Moves (DJ Koze Remix) 3:05 A2 Knight Moves (Original Mix) 5:12 B1 Knight Moves (Lone Remix) 7:18 B2 Knight Moves (Chilly Gonzales Solo Piano) 2:40
Cheikh Madani – Laya Habibi
Seller: Rawmen Records ベルギー産New Beat。おそらく、北アフリカの音楽Raïの旋律+Electro。 New beat from Belgium. Probably North African music Raï melody + Electro. Record: EX- Cover: VG+ Format: 12inch Label: Carrere / 1989 Genre: New Beat, Disco, House A Laya Habibi (Raï New Beat) 4:43 B Laya Habibi (Instrumental) 5:05
OOFT! / The Revenge – Part Three
Record: VG+ Cover: VG+ Format: 12inch Label: Instruments Of Rapture/2009 Genre: Edit, House, Funk, Disco A OOFT! – This Sound 8:00 B1 The Revenge – Hotz 4 U 6:43 B2 The Revenge – Heavy Love 7:56
Math Samba – Senegal Memories
Record: VG+ Cover: VG+ Format: LP Label: Playa Sound/1984 Genre: African, Griot A1 Sriki 5:00 A2 Flute Solo 0:50 A3 Balafon Au Village 3:00 A4 Aziana 2:08 A5 Tam Tam Song 4:38 A6 Adoko 1:38 B1 Flute Solo 0:47 B2 Senegal Tasso 4:15 B3 Sanza Melodie 1:45 B4 Kora Et Flute 4:18 B5 Appels Du Tam Tam 1:32 B6 Maï Mouna 6:00
Gari Romalis / Barce – The Web (Music Is Special Mix) / SP
Record: VG+ Cover: EX- (Plane Sleeve) Format: 10inch Label: Melodymathics/2014年 Genre: Deep House A Gari Romalis – The Web (Music Is Special Mix) AA1 Barce – SP AA2 Gari – Drumloop AA3 Barce – Chord Loop
Houston Person – Pure Pleasure
Record: VG+ Cover: VG (使用感大) Format: LP Label: Mercury/1976 Genre: Jazz-Funk, Disco A1 Pure Pleasure 9:15 A2 Déja Vu 6:36 B1 Dancing Feet 6:52 B2 Soul Serenade 6:11 B3 Inseparable 5:34